Sunday, September 26, 2010

You and The God Theory

I will begin by saying a few things about myself. I am a hypocrite. I will write things in this blog that I too am guilty of but I am aware of this about myself. I may not be proud of everything I do and say but for the most part I am pretty self aware of my many short comings. I write not only to express myself but also to exorcise my soul. I write so I may vent and not get myself in trouble or say something I may regret to someone I may care about. I care about people and I do believe in God. My relationship with God is personal and I will not impress my beliefs on anyone else because quite frankly I believe that to be counter intuitive to what faith should bring into ones life. I will only say that I wholeheartedly believe God is a women. I tell you these things because I am going to vent on faith or more specifically people  who interpret faith only to meet their means. So lets get to my venting.

Am I the only person that gets peeved over the surge of people who will often claim to be faithful to God and the teachings of the Bible but are the same ones that judge ruthlessly nearly everything and everyone. Things are tough now and people understandably hold on tighter to faith more than ever but keep your judgement to yourself. Political leaders get me the most. I don't carry which party it is they should not use faith in their bids to gain power. I watch some of these people in their quest to be elected into a position say hateful things and support horrible concepts to tear their opponents apart. Whether you like Obama or not who really gives a damn if he is a Muslim, Christian, Vegetarian, or Librarian. It does not matter. Democrats are just as bad with using faith to scare constituents. In the recent past I have watched and heard people I know well make snide comments about gays, blacks, and less fortunate people. How do you praise at church but talk about how horrible someone else is when you leave your place of worship. It makes me sick. Before you judge ask yourself what your God Theory would think of your actions and what it really says about you. Faith should bring you peace and make you centered not self centered. Trust me I have judged but I try my very best not pick on people that did nothing to me. Trust me friends we all have an ugly side but it never fails to discourage me when the so called faithful are the cruelest ones and they think it is okay because someone somewhere implied to them God said it is okay to be ugly. Need I remind anyone that of all of the faiths in the world none of them have ever been proven to be any more true than Santa Clause. Keep the faith, practice the faith, but do it without the hate. There is far to much hate in this world already.

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